
About Me

Hello! And welcome to my little corner; filled with crochet hooks, sewing needles and endless skeins of yarn. My name is Sarah and to put it simply: I am an old- fashioned, yarn-loving , DIY  woman.

I started crocheting when I was eight years old; my aunt started me off with a crochet hook and a ball of yarn. She told me to just making chains until the ball was gone.(Needless to say I go tired of making chains fast.) Then my mother took over at taught me how to single crochet, but she to start working and our little lessons had stopped. So I became my own teacher and taught myself.

I cannot express how much I love children. They are special. I crochet for them, which is how Cherubic Expressions was born. Homemade items for babies and little children. Now I make and sell my items, as well as teach my younger siblings how to crochet.

This Cherubic Expressions.
A place where you get to see the Magic of Homemade.

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