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About Me
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Teething Biscuits
Hello and welcome back! Almost everyone has seen how miserable children (and parents) are during teething time. It's awful. I found a...
Lumberjack Hats
I recently was asked to make a hat for one of my nephews. So I went hunting on Pinterest (Anyone else love Pinterest as much as ...
Snow Boots
What way to start out the new year than with a new pair of snow boots? I have my favorite pair by my back door and I wondered if they ...
Monday, January 7, 2019
Hello! And welcome to my little corner. I've been crocheting since forever, but just recently made the decision to start a blog. (I...
Heirloom Dresses
Hello and welcome back to my Corner! Years ago, when I saw this picture while hunting for patterns, I literally could not believe my e...
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