
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Teething Biscuits

Hello and welcome back! Almost everyone has seen how miserable children (and parents) are during teething time. It's awful.
I found a cute idea that others have made: Teething Biscuits!
They're exactly what it says, crocheted biscuits. You soak them in water, throw them in the fridge, then after a for an hour or two, you give them to your child to chomp on.
So simple!
I followed a pattern that can be found Here at the Lavender Chair. (She has such amazing patterns!)

You can use any worsted weight yarn; and its such a easy pattern that you can dig into your scraps! 
I used Crafters Secret yarn that is 100% cotton. (Which does very well when washed, it wont shrink or turn to felt after so many times in the dryer.)
I am currently working up a stock to hold onto, so when the Little Ones come over, I can throw one in the fridge.

Thanks for joining me, until next time!

Lumberjack Hats

I recently was asked to make a hat for one of my nephews.
So I went hunting on Pinterest (Anyone else love Pinterest as much as I do?)

And I found this adorable hat.

I know the pattern said it was an Aviator Hat, but I call them my Lumberjack hats, cause that's what they look like to me. ;)
 You can find the Baby Hat at Redheart

(I had to change my crochet hook to a US I/9 for how tight I crochet.)

  I enjoyed making the first grey one so much, that I had to make more!


(Who could not resist heart buttons?! )


Here are a few of my nieces and nephew modeling their hats. They were so good, holding still long enough for me to take a picture of them.

Thanks for joining me, until next time!

Snow Boots

What way to start out the new year than with a new pair of snow boots?

I have my favorite pair by my back door and I wondered if they came in a size for infants...(I have yet to check) so I decided to raid my scrap collection  and make a pair.

These shoes are fit for newborn 0-3 months. There was no pattern, so I had to crochet based off my own boots.

I forgot how little newborns feet are. So cute!
I plan to make more in various sizes...and I'll be sure to write the pattern down.

Thanks for joining me, until next time!

Monday, January 7, 2019


Hello! And welcome to my little corner. I've been crocheting since forever, but just recently made the decision to start a blog. (I've never done this before, so bear with me. I'll try to post at least once a week.)

On this blog, you'll find completed items that I have made and as well as free patterns.

These are project's that I've made and sold in the past.

You can find out more about these Heirloom dresses Here.



Mind you, I am not a professional photographer, but I am learning as I go. Its a new year with many possibilities!

Thanks for joining me, until next time!

Heirloom Dresses

Hello and welcome back to my Corner! 
Years ago, when I saw this picture while hunting for patterns, I literally could not believe my eyes. It took my breath away. I just had to make it! 

The pattern can be found Here
It sent me to a Russian site where I had to figure out the pattern just by charts. I had a little help with knowing the crochet symbols and google translate. ;)
It was a lot of trial and error, but I was pretty proud of my results.

I made this dress a few years ago and entered it into a fair, where an nice gentleman wanted to buy it for his granddaughters christening dress! I couldn't believe it. Someone -other than family and relatives-wanted something I made! I was excited!
But also torn. I didn't have the heart to part with this dress. (Selfish of me, I know) It was my first dress that I had completed in a long time.
So I made a second one and gave it to him. 
A few months later received an email with this picture.
I was literally jumping up and down and showing everyone. I could not have been happier. Seeing a precious little girl wearing a dress I made. It made all the time and effort I had put into the set, so worth it.

(Fast forward a few years) My younger sister told us the good news: she was expecting her first child:  A baby Girl.
I immediately knew what I wanted to make for her, but she came as asked if I could make the same dress for her in pink.
Which I happily did.
(I used a variegated/mixed skein for the bottom part and I honestly like it better than the solid color.)

I now have an order to make another Pink Heirloom Dress in the Spring. Can't wait to begin it.

Thanks for joining me, until next time!